Monday 14 May 2012

Mothers' Day Hymns

I find it strange that the Baptist Hymnal 2008 has no Mothers' Day songs. For our Mothers' Day worship service, we printed out the text for the hymn "O Blessed Day of Motherhood" to the tune of "I Sing the Mighty Power of God" and "Far above Riches" to the tune of "Fairest Lord Jesus" which can be found here:

In addition, I guided our youth group into composing a poem by group effort. Here it is, and it may be sung to the tune of "Children of the Heavenly Father."

Mothers, O how much we love you
Cherish, care, and celebrate too.
This is your day, take it easy
Hope our rhyme scheme’s not too cheesy.

Mom, you clean and cook and feed us
Give advice and hold and lead us.
Kiss our booboos, stop our crying
And you chastise when we’re lying

Let us pray for all our mothers
May we love them as no other
Jesus loves them, loves them dearly
May they hear him call them clearly

Praise the Lord, he knows our fam’lies
Knows our dads and knows our grammies
Knows our needs and knows our failings
And forgives us all our strayings.

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