The hymn of invitation is designed to facilitate all of
this. Baptist worship leaders will take care to choose hymns that might feature
an invitational aspect (Billy Graham’s go-to hymn of invitation was “JUST AS I
AM,” but there are many others, such as JESUS CALLS US). Worship leaders,
however, may well opt to choose a hymn that underscores an aspect of the
message of the sermon.
In any case, the hymn tune should normally reflect the
somber significance of this portion of worship. All God’s people sing the hymn
of invitation with great sobriety, while fervently praying for unbelievers in
their midst, or for their wayward brothers and sisters in the congregation, all
the while as sinners struggle under the Spirit’s convicting power. The hymn of
invitation need not (and should not) be laden with manipulative affects, nor should exhibit a sense of excessive celebration.
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